Friday, May 3, 2013

Task 3 Deliverable Reflection

Throughout task 3 (including previous tasks) all of the Greenfoot members contributed to the task's milestones in their own way. All of these contributions helped in successfully completing each task and the course.

By keeping an open line of communication I assumed the role as the team scheduler and informer, in which I gathered most of the group's cellphone # and used the emails of those I was unable to retrieve #'s from to communicate the details of that week's milestone via email and text, asking the group for their meeting preferences (face to face, IM/chatroom,etc), coordinating times and places for all of us to meet based on everyone's availability, and relying the group meet discussion and assigned roles via email/text to those who were unable to attend the meetings.Aside from constantly communicating with my group, I contributed by asking who wanted to be facilitator for the week before volunteering myself (for example: task 3 milestones 2 and 3, or Current events, or like the screenr presenter) as this allowed others the opportunity to assume the role themselves if they found the task at hand to their liking.

I also contributed information and ideas to our assigned tasks and milestones, for instance in  task 3 milestone 1, along with Aaron, I sought information on how PBL addressed students concerns or like in  task 3 milestone 2 I suggested the theme for the PBL lesson (space science) as well as a couple of subtopics for students to include in their PBL project. I also contributed to the group by editing our group work prior to turning it (just as some of my group members did) and creating power point presentations for easy access and professionalism for the Authentic Assessment Screenr and the Final PBL-Summary Screenr. I also offered support and encouragement to my group members, often answering questions via text/email and acknowledging the positive aspects of my group members ideas and when needed offering suggestions in improving. Here is the url to our Screenr presentation, conducted by our very own Vanessa Goze on behalf of the Greenfoots: 

Overall, like that of my Greenfoot group members, I contributed various ideas that in turn played a huge part in the success of our group tasks. I believe we all did an extraordinary job in working together to build and present our ideas, our group had no conflict which left plenty of room for positive encouragement, support, and our success in this course.

Awesome Job Greenfoots! I really enjoyed working with each of you (: good luck on your journey to becoming fine educators and congrats to finishing the semester strong!And to all the AAT graduates in the house...Congratulations! WE DID IT!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 6 Reflection

 I believe working in teams during a problem based learning assignment allows students to hear the different ideas of their peers and allows them to broaden their horizons, giving them a variety of ideas to create the best possible solution to the objective at hand. In student teams I'll often see students take control of the group's direction, not allowing any room for more ideas to flow through. Other times I'll see students not participate or make excuses as to why they can't take part, causing the group to piggy back that individual. And sometimes I'll see that a couple students within the group put more effort than the entire group itself often jumping in at the last minute. By having an assignment that is engaging, motivating, and clearly stated could hype students up and naturally allow them to work as a group. Though that's ideal and may be in some cases rare, putting a constant emphasis that the there is no "I" in team injunction with group participation points that count for big chunk of the grade, as well as individual group reflections, will help the manage team conflicts. I also think that by having face to face meets within the group to discuss the task and roles along with group meets with the teacher for updates, will help the students be more engaged and allow more participation to come about. This week questions were really minimal, there was a question whether we should meet face to face to discuss this week's milestone but with the ending of the semester drawing near the Greenfoots decided to communicate via email/forums.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 5 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

I contributed that we all have another face to face meeting in order to discuss the content of this week's milestone and assign roles equally. Not much was needed as most of the ideas used were gathered in previous work, they were simply gathered and expanded.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

This week I helped the facilitator to decide a time and day the group could get together and I also was responsible for the Action Plan section of the milestone.

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

I encouraged and supported my group by offering to help them in anyway possible and by helping them find the ideas we used in previous work so that they may use it in this week's milestone.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

I actually had a question about the Action Plan - whether it was to consist solely of the final task or if it was to include the tasks/activities that lead up to the final task.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 4 Reflection

1.   What ideas have you contributed to your team this week? I suggested we all meet up and i gave an idea as to how we split the roles .

2.    What role did you play on your team this week? this week i was video presentator and meeting coordinator

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week? I supported my team by helping the task leader (vanessa) get everyone together and help her figure out the roles we should all take.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week? We met face to face again and were able to clarify the assignments goals, this assignment seemed easier than the rest minus the difficulty with screen (my computer was freezing and running slow for some reason).

Monday, April 8, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 3 Reflection

The ideas I contributed to my group for this week's activity was suggesting that the focus on the fictional problem be on tackling overpopulation as a meteor hitting earth was too morbid (as Natalie pointed out). Along with other members in the group I also suggested a couple of questions that would help develop our student tasks in our scenario.

This week i was task leader, in which i set up a face to face meeting with other members and communicated with other members who were unable to attend via email and phone. I also assisted Aaron in building the welcome memo for this week's milestone and helped blend the orientation memo that Natalie and Shyann put together.

I encouraged and supported my group members by first having an open line of communication giving them my contact information in which i let them know i was available at all times if they needed help or had a question. This allowed me to work with them immediately when any questions arose. I supported my group's ideas by providing positive feed back, letting my them know i thought there ideas were good. For instance, Shyann asked if her portion of the orientation was good and i let her know that it was perfect and she did an amazing job. 

Initially the group had many questions, but when we got together for collaboration we were able to dispute any issues we were having. I feel we each brought knowledge to the table that allowed us to fill in the gaps of the assignment we didnt quite understand.

 Overall, this assignment was difficult but as always the Greenfoots were able to come out on top. Pat yourselves on the back we did an awesome job! Greenfoots, ftw!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 2 Reflection

This week I was task leader. After receiving everyone's input, Vanessa and Aaron answered question 1, while Natalie and Shyann answered question 2. I contributed to the group by keeping an open line of communication with my group members (i.e. emailing resources, seeking votes & opinions, clarifying this week's task), editing this week's doc, and by contributing a bit to both questions. Keeping an open line of communication with my group members (via email or text message) worked well. I was able to get feedback and make sure everyone agreed with what was going on. I think to make communication even better our group should exchange numbers just so there's always another way of communicating that way when someone's opinion or whatever it is, is missing they could be contacted. Overall, interesting week.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 1 Reflection

The task leader for our group was Natalie. She created our Google Docs and shared it with us so we can input our findings, where she would later edit and compile the information into the Greenfoot Newsletter. I believe she also worked on the benefits of Problem Based Learning along side Vanessa. The student concerns was tackled by Aaron and myself.

Prior to starting the task I emailed my group in an attempt to initiate the group work, from there my fellow group members selected the tasks they wanted to complete. My role in the task was to find how PBL tackled the concerns of the Ala Ike students. I contributed to my group by researching what PBL was, how it was used, its benefits, and the student concerns it addressed. The source I used to compile my portion of the newsletter was , with this information I was able to explain how PBL addresses the student concerns of feeling unengaged, unmotivated, unchallenged, bored with stale textbook information, and educators not communicating with students on all levels of learning. 

Emailing the group to discuss the roles of each person for the task and having a Google Doc that was already open for input and later for editing to produce the final product, worked well. Mostly everyone was able to contribute their findings and the task leader was able to look over the information to create a our one page newsletter.

Everything worked out really well, almost everyone was able to communicate and respond to their roles in a timely fashion. Though communication was well, it can be improved. I know everyone has a busy schedule and working on our own time is beneficial and convenient. However, to make group work possible, especially over an online course, regular email checks should be done. This might be difficult because of conflicting situations but email checks are necessary to maintain group participation and keep updated with the information that each person is inputting.

Overall, good job fellow Greenfoots!!!