Saturday, April 27, 2013

Task 3 Milestone 6 Reflection

 I believe working in teams during a problem based learning assignment allows students to hear the different ideas of their peers and allows them to broaden their horizons, giving them a variety of ideas to create the best possible solution to the objective at hand. In student teams I'll often see students take control of the group's direction, not allowing any room for more ideas to flow through. Other times I'll see students not participate or make excuses as to why they can't take part, causing the group to piggy back that individual. And sometimes I'll see that a couple students within the group put more effort than the entire group itself often jumping in at the last minute. By having an assignment that is engaging, motivating, and clearly stated could hype students up and naturally allow them to work as a group. Though that's ideal and may be in some cases rare, putting a constant emphasis that the there is no "I" in team injunction with group participation points that count for big chunk of the grade, as well as individual group reflections, will help the manage team conflicts. I also think that by having face to face meets within the group to discuss the task and roles along with group meets with the teacher for updates, will help the students be more engaged and allow more participation to come about. This week questions were really minimal, there was a question whether we should meet face to face to discuss this week's milestone but with the ending of the semester drawing near the Greenfoots decided to communicate via email/forums.

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