Friday, May 3, 2013

Task 3 Deliverable Reflection

Throughout task 3 (including previous tasks) all of the Greenfoot members contributed to the task's milestones in their own way. All of these contributions helped in successfully completing each task and the course.

By keeping an open line of communication I assumed the role as the team scheduler and informer, in which I gathered most of the group's cellphone # and used the emails of those I was unable to retrieve #'s from to communicate the details of that week's milestone via email and text, asking the group for their meeting preferences (face to face, IM/chatroom,etc), coordinating times and places for all of us to meet based on everyone's availability, and relying the group meet discussion and assigned roles via email/text to those who were unable to attend the meetings.Aside from constantly communicating with my group, I contributed by asking who wanted to be facilitator for the week before volunteering myself (for example: task 3 milestones 2 and 3, or Current events, or like the screenr presenter) as this allowed others the opportunity to assume the role themselves if they found the task at hand to their liking.

I also contributed information and ideas to our assigned tasks and milestones, for instance in  task 3 milestone 1, along with Aaron, I sought information on how PBL addressed students concerns or like in  task 3 milestone 2 I suggested the theme for the PBL lesson (space science) as well as a couple of subtopics for students to include in their PBL project. I also contributed to the group by editing our group work prior to turning it (just as some of my group members did) and creating power point presentations for easy access and professionalism for the Authentic Assessment Screenr and the Final PBL-Summary Screenr. I also offered support and encouragement to my group members, often answering questions via text/email and acknowledging the positive aspects of my group members ideas and when needed offering suggestions in improving. Here is the url to our Screenr presentation, conducted by our very own Vanessa Goze on behalf of the Greenfoots: 

Overall, like that of my Greenfoot group members, I contributed various ideas that in turn played a huge part in the success of our group tasks. I believe we all did an extraordinary job in working together to build and present our ideas, our group had no conflict which left plenty of room for positive encouragement, support, and our success in this course.

Awesome Job Greenfoots! I really enjoyed working with each of you (: good luck on your journey to becoming fine educators and congrats to finishing the semester strong!And to all the AAT graduates in the house...Congratulations! WE DID IT!!!